Ferrari / Mondial 3.2 / 112 - Luggage Compartment Lid

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
N/A Complete hinge for bonnet 60523500 POA 2 0
1 Trunk bonnet(Can replace 60544200) 61899800 POA 1 0
2 Hinge mobile 60523600 POA 2 0
3 Pin 60523800 POA 2 0
4 Seeger ring 11087976 POA 3 0
5 Nut 13832101 POA 6 0
6 Support 60563300 POA 1 0
7 Support 60700700 POA 1 0
8 Screw 14304220 POA 2 0
9 Washer 60700900 POA 2 0
10 Pin 60563200 POA 1 0
11 Washer 60698400 POA 4 0
12 Zincofil 60732500 POA 2 0
13 Nut 20293000 POA 4 0
14 Catch 60560100 POA 1 0
15 Special screw 13836371 POA 2 0
16 Washer 12643701 POA 2 0
17 Electric bonnet opener 60536500 POA 1 0
18 (B) Warning light control-bonnet open 61164400 POA 1 0
19 Cable for opening bonnet 60670700 POA 1 0
20 (2) Safety cable 61221200 POA 1 0
20 (1) Safety cable 61203700 POA 1 0
21 Nut 15896411 POA 1 0
22 Spring ring 11195471 POA 1 0
23 Cable clamp 60276607 POA 1 0
24 Nut 12574211 POA 3 0
25 Gasket 60545300 POA 1 0
26 Bonnet lock 60277407 POA 1 0
27 Screw 20297503 POA 2 0
28 Washer 10519501 0.46 2 0
29 (1) Carpet - TAOnly for US - SA 61867800 POA 1 0
29 (2) Carpet - US - C7 - C8 61867900 POA 1 0
29 (1) Carpet - C8 (Excluded TA) 62460800 POA 1 0
29 (1) CarpetNot for AUS - C7 - C8 and TA 61867700 POA 1 0
29 (2) CarpetNot for US - C7 - C8 61868000 POA 1 0
29 (1) Carpet - TANot for US - SA - C7- C8 61895700 POA 1 0
29 (1) Carpet - AUS - C7 (Excluded TA) 61867800 POA 1 0
30 (1) Cover - US - SA - AUS - C7 61946900 POA 1 0
31 Bracket 60563100 POA 1 0
32 Lock housing 61866300 POA 1 0
33 (2) L.H. protection - US - SA - C7 61945500 POA 1 0
33 L.H. protection - TA - AUS 61945300 POA 1 0
33 L.H. protectionNot for TA - Not for Cabriolet US - SA - C7 61945200 POA 1 0
34 Number plate light 60044906 POA 2 0
35 Emergency handle 60710900 POA 1 0
36 Aerial protection 60874000 POA 1 0
37 (2) R.H. protection - US - SA - C7 61945400 POA 1 0
37 R.H. protectionNot for Cabriolet US - SA C7 61945100 POA 1 0
38 Radio aerialOn exhaustion use no. 61897500 61717900 POA 1 0
39 (1) Bush for aerial 60623100 POA 1 0
40 (1) Seal gasket 60623200 POA 1 0
41 Support for plate light 60846500 POA 2 0
42 (2) R.H. internal panelNot for US - SA - C7 61921200 POA 1 0
42 (2) R.H. internal panel - US - SA - C7 61897100 POA 1 0
43 (2) L.H. internal palnelNot for US - SA - C7 61921300 POA 1 0
43 (2) L.H. internal panel - US - SA - C7 61897000 POA 1 0
44 Insulation 61898500 POA 1 0
45 insulation 61898600 POA 1 0
46 Insulation 61898700 POA 1 0
47 Insulation 61898800 POA 1 0
48 Insulation 61898900 POA 1 0
49 Insulation 61899000 POA 1 0
50 Insulation 61899100 POA 1 0
51 Insulation 61899200 POA 1 0
52 Carpet 61899300 POA 1 0
53 Plug 14592787 POA 9 0