Ferrari / Testarossa (1987) / 016 - Air Intake Manifolds

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
1 Intake manifold 121055 POA 4 0
2 R.H. body for air delivery to manifoldscomplete Not for B1 - US - SA 124227 POA 1 0
2 R.H. body for air delivery to manifolds, completeFor SA 130138 POA 1 0
2 R.H. body for air delivery to manifods, completeFor US 124451 POA 1 0
2 R.H. body for air delivery to manifods, completeFor B1 132327 POA 1 0
3 L.H. body for air delivery to manifolds, complete For SA 130137 POA 1 0
3 L.H. body for air delivery to manifolds, complete For B1 - CH 127128 POA 1 0
3 L.H. body for air delivery to manifolds, complete For US 124450 POA 1 0
3 L.H. body for air delivery to manifolds, complete For A1 121450 POA 1 0
4 Single gasket 121124 POA 4 0
5 Double gasket 121125 POA 4 0
6 Gasket 121021 POA 4 0
7 Spacer 114984 POA 16 0
8 Washer 14306521 POA 16 0
9 Stud 12601371 POA 4 0
10 Nut 13541521 POA 4 0
11 Nut 12574211 POA 4 0
12 Washer 12601271 POA 4 0
13 Air intake securing stud 13540721 POA 4 0
14 Nut 15896211 POA 4 0
15 Spring washer 12644401 POA 4 0
16 Washer 106850 0.35 4 0
17 Tapered plug 10269550 POA 1 0
18 Stud for exhaust pipe bracket 13540721 POA 2 0
19 Selflocking nut 12574211 POA 2 0
20 Washer 12601271 POA 2 0
21 Nipple 113652 POA 1 0
22 Nipple Not for B1 124341 POA 1 0
23 Nipple for power brake depression 124342 POA 1 0
24 Nipple For SA 130134 POA 1 0
24 Nipple Not for US and SA 118742 POA 1 0
24 Nipple For US 125782 POA 1 0
25 Nipple For US 125782 POA 1 0
25 Nipple For SA 130134 POA 1 0
25 Nipple Not for US and SA 124341 POA 1 0
26 Sleeve 121090 POA 2 0
27 Clamp 12177290 POA 4 0
28 Plug (8 x 1,25) 14326150 POA 1 0
28 Plug (10 x 1,25)For B1 and CH 14325950 POA 1 0
29 Nipple Not for CH 124341 POA 1 0
30 Bracket for cables 131182 POA 1 0