Ferrari / 328 (1985) / 014 - Fuel Distributors Lines - For US Version

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
1 Metering device 121745 POA 1 0
2 Gasket 116011 POA 1 0
4 Washer 12601271 0.14 15 4
5 Nut 12674211 POA 15 0
6 Threaded union 115751 POA 1 0
7 Support for metering device, complete 128028 POA 1 0
7 Gasket 10269980 POA 1 0
8 Support for metering deviceWith unit no 128028 129027 POA 1 0
9 Warm-up regulator 121743 POA 1 0
11 Support 118291 POA 1 0
12 Screw 14305521 POA 2 0
13 Washer 12604271 POA 2 0
14 Nut 12574211 1.30 2 0
16 Spacer 103550 1.93 2 3
16 Termo-time switch 121778 377.37 1 0
16 Rubber small block 103549 1.25 2 22
17 Washer 12643701 0.73 4 23
18 Vibration - damping support 102947 12.51 3 301
19 Nut 12575411 POA 3 0
20 Washer 12640601 POA 1 0
20 Washer 12601271 0.14 2 4
21 Union with filter 115498 89.99 1 7
22 Gasket 11270160 1.58 1 0
23 Inviolability plug 121751 POA 1 0
24 Air sensor plate 120810 79.69 1 6
26 Washer 120809 33.80 1 1
26 Frequency valve 121513 811.58 1 0
27 Clamp 121834 POA 1 0
28 Spacer 121836 POA 1 0
29 Screw 10979421 POA 1 0
30 Washer 106850 0.35 1 44
31 Damper for frequency 121514 POA 1 0
32 Housing for air by-pass adj. 128158 POA 1 0
33 Gasket 128159 POA 1 0
34 Air adjusting screw 119308 2.94 1 1
35 Spring 113571 50.24 1 2
36 Sealing ring 114919 1.19 1 760
37 Plate 115204 12.86 1 4
38 Screw 14305221 0.69 2 2
39 Washer 12804271 POA 4 0
40 Air delivery pipe 128242 POA 1 0
41 Sleeve 123860 132.98 2 0
42 Clamp 12180290 POA 10 0
43 Pipe 121831 1.63 8 0
44 Additional air valve 121744 POA 1 0
45 Nut 15896211 0.68 2 0
46 Pipe 12601271 0.14 1 4
48 3 way union 109887 290.63 1 0
49 Pipe 115403 POA 2 0
50 Pipe 118293 POA 1 0
51 Clamp 12179190 POA 2 0
52 Threaded union 113651 POA 1 0
53 Return pipe 117787 POA 1 0
54 Pipe union 121752 POA 1 0
55 Gasket 113910 1.58 2 46
56 Return pipe from regulator 118398 24.47 1 1
57 Pipe union 113664 67.60 4 10
58 Gasket 14330260 0.46 8 826
59 Delivery pipe to regulator 115507 POA 1 0
60 Pipe union 113670 61.59 1 8
61 Gasket 10260160 0.97 2 0
62 Pipe from fuel tank 117885 POA 1 0
63 Clamp 110381 0.25 4 0
64 Pipe from frequency valve to metering unit 121753 POA 1 0
65 Pipe from damper to frequency valve 121755 POA 1 0
66 Sealing ring 103039 0.97 1 32
66 Pipe from metering unit to damper 121757 POA 1 0
67 Auxiliary starting assembly 115474 POA 1 0
69 Union 115004 POA 1 0
70 Gasket 115005 POA 1 0
71 Injector 113975 135.56 8 24
72 Sealing ring 113570 13.65 8 41
73 Bushing 113309 78.85 8 15
74 Sealing ring 101031 5.23 8 0
75 Seeger 103326 0.37 8 21
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 2 118591 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 1 118590 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 8 118697 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 7 118596 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 6 118595 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 5 118594 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 4 118593 POA 1 0
76 Pipe from metering device to cylinder 3 118592 POA 1 0
77 Pipe union 113670 61.59 8 8
78 Gasket 16260166 POA 16 0
79 Support clamp 4 pipes 115418 POA 1 0
79 Support clamp 4 pipes 115595 5.91 1 10
79 Support clamp 117279 3.96 2 8
79 Support clamp3 pipes 113896 4.04 1 10
80 Pipe metering device to auxiliary starting assembly 115735 POA 1 0
81 Pipe union 113664 67.60 2 10
82 Gasket 14331260 POA 4 0
83 Bracket for clamp 115417 POA 1 0
84 Nut 12575411 POA 1 0
85 Washer 11197771 0.25 1 6409