Ferrari / F355 M5.2 / 003 - Cylinder Head - Right

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
N/A COMPLETE R.H. CYLINDERS HEAD -Valid for ABS BOSCH and 355 F1 cars -Valid after stock exhaustion of 177960 POA 1 0
1 R.H. HEAD -Not for ABS BOSCH and 355 F1 cars -Not as spare part -With the complete cylinders head 164882 POA 1 0
1 R.H. HEAD -Not for ABS BOSCH and 355 F1 cars -Not as spare part -With the complete cylinders head 172480 POA 1 0
2 STUD 11500224 POA 8 0
3 THREADED PLUG 14326101 1.26 2 3
4 THREADED PLUG 14326001 POA 4 0
5 STUD 13543324 5.87 8 0
6 THREADED INSERT 13525270 POA 6 0
7 THREADED INSERT 13525470 0.78 2 27
8 STUD 13516924 2.36 8 4
9 DOWEL 102725 1.37 2 10
10 STUD 13541324 1.82 1 0
11 STUD 13541424 0.44 1 0
12 STUD 13541124 22.00 9 1
13 DOWEL 102725 1.37 2 10
14 STUD 11500624 POA 2 0
15 THREADED PLUG 127635 3.40 5 25
16 DOWEL 102725 1.37 22 10
18 STUD 13541424 0.44 22 0
19 WASHER 11197771 0.25 22 6409
20 NUT 15896214 0.91 22 28
21 THREADED PLUG 141563 POA 2 0
22 GASKET 176156 19.15 1 23
23 R.H. CYLINDERS HEAD COVER -Not as spare part -With the complete cylinders head 166452 163623 POA 1 0
24 O.R. GASKET 149554 3.68 4 56
25 O.R. GASKET 158349 5.03 2 57
27 GASKET -Valid after stock exhaustion of 136526 163987 24.87 2 78
28 STUD 11500424 1.37 4 0
29 DOWEL 102725 1.37 4 10
30 WASHER 12601274 0.61 4 12570
31 NUT 102741 1.30 4 1556
32 REAR SMALL COVER 148023 16.79 1 7
33 O.R. GASKET 117275 7.33 1 73
34 WASHER 12604274 0.98 11 30
35 NUT 100044 0.65 11 4613
36 UNION 154525 POA 1 0
37 THREADED INSERT 13525170 POA 9 0
38 GASKET 163621 10.11 1 24
39 COVER 163607 POA 1 0
40 SCREW 160784 1.22 10 0
41 THREADED INSERT 13525470 0.78 1 27
42 GASKET 140787 9.14 1 16
43 R.H. PHASE SENSOR SUPPORT 151275 575.82 1 1
44 COVERS FIXING PIN 163582 31.94 1 1
46 O.R. GASKET 147278 0.59 6 53
47 WASHER 12604274 0.98 1 30
48 SCREW 14305521 POA 1 0
49 CABLE GROMMET 163861 53.03 1 0
50 WASHER 12601274 0.61 2 12570
51 NUT 102741 1.30 2 1556
52 SCREW 14304224 1.30 6 0
53 WASHER 12601174 1.24 6 22
54 NUT 138392 1.86 8 32