Ferrari / 308 QV / 114 - Electrical System - Cables - Fuses and Relays

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
1 Plate 61109100 POA 1 0
2 Valve box whiteWhit details 5-12-20 61110800 POA 1 0
3 Plate for relays 61133500 POA 1 0
4 Support for boxes and plate RHD 61179500 POA 1 0
4 Support for boxes and plate LHDUp to 30-4-83 61105000 POA 1 0
4 Support for boxe and plate LHDFrom 1-5-83 61286200 53.94 1 1
5 Glover box with plate 20 61110500 POA 1 0
6 Microrelays BOSCH 0.332.204.101 40130106 32.48 6 0
7 Fuse sheat auxiliary starting circuit 60382306 POA 1 0
8 Microrelays BOSCH 0.332.014.113 40130007 66.70 6 5
9 Fuse 16 A. 11048990 0.49 1 2
10 Fuse 18 A. 10858090 0.38 1 0
11 Cables for consolle instruments 119514 148.67 1 0
12 Plate for box white 60743300 4.99 1 6
13 Boot for cables 40135907 POA 1 0
14 Rear cables 120081 POA 1 0
15 Front cables LHD 120080 POA 1 0
15 Front cables RHD 120092 POA 1 0
16 Fuse sheat 60846100 6.94 1 3
17 Passenger footrest GTSRHD 60306305 POA 1 0
17 Passenger footrest GTSLHD 60306404 POA 1 0
17 Passenger footrest GTBLHD 60107109 POA 1 0
17 Passenger footrest GTBRHD 60193406 POA 1 0
18 Retarding device for interior light 60870200 150.45 1 0
19 Instruments panel cables LHD 117011 111.98 1 1
19 Instruments panel cables RHD 118482 POA 1 0
20 Plate for box white 61110200 POA 1 0
21 Plate for box black 61172500 5.77 1 5
22 Plate for box black 60750600 POA 1 0
23 Valve box blackWith details 21 - 22 - 28 61172300 POA 1 0
24 Protection for cables terminal board 40130205 20.93 1 1
25 Flasher for direction lights 61111200 POA 1 0
26 Bracket for sheat 60382405 1.06 1 0
27 Fuse 3 A. 10858190 0.56 1 0
28 Glover box black with plate 21 61172600 POA 1 0
29 Mircorelay BOSCH 0.332.015.006 40283905 97.46 1 12
30 R.H. door cables 122211 POA 1 0
31 L.H. door cables 122212 POA 1 0
32 Cables on engineFrom car 44161 LHD -43963 RHD 120392 POA 1 0
32 Cables on engineUp to car 44159 LHD -43961 RHD 120078 POA 1 0
33 Cable for sensorUp to 45563 117008 POA 1 0
33 Cable for sensorFrom car 45565 119009 POA 1 0