Ferrari / 308 QV / 017 - Water Pump and Piping

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
N/A Water pump, complete (front)From engine no. 962 to engine 1381 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump, complete (front)From engine no.1381 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump, complete (front)Up to engine no. 961 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump, completeUp to engine no. 961 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump, completeFrom engine no. 1381 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump, completeFrom engine no. 962 to engine 1380 121255 695.00 1 0
N/A Water pump body, complete 121255 695.00 1 0
1 Water pump bodyWith assembly no. 115471 121255 695.00 1 0
2 Pump coverWith assembly no. 116173 121255 695.00 1 0
2 Pump coverWith assembly no. 121255 121255 695.00 1 0
2 Pump coverWith assembly no. 121264 121255 695.00 1 0
3 Gasket 103952 POA 1 0
4 Spindle for pulleyFor water pump no. 115472 and 121265 103795 192.16 1 58
4 Spindle for pulleyFor water pump no/121290 121253 195.00 1 95
5 ImpellerFor water pump no.115472 103806 170.80 1 12
5 ImpellerFor water pump no. 121290 121254 163.92 1 7
6 Spacer 116157 74.46 1 0
7 Sealing ringFor water pump no. 115472 and 121265 100433 101.598 1 0
7 Sealing ringFor water pump no. 121290 120948 POA 1 0
8 Manifold of output water to the hears 116967 POA 2 0
9 Seeger ring 11060076 0.46 1 10
10 Washer 116158 28.35 1 5
11 Cap nut 100436 10.26 1 10
12 Washer 10730301 POA 1 0
13 Plate 100434 13.75 1 0
14 Nut 16101521 0.72 1 33
15 Conic washer 11198671 POA 1 0
16 Tongue 10205820 2.36 1 10
17 Bearing 116159 25.88 2 16
18 Stud 11500721 POA 3 0
19 Corrugated washer 12601271 0.14 6 4
20 Nut 12574211 1.30 6 0
21 Dowel 102704 3.76 2 0
22 Stud 11500421 POA 3 0
23 Stud 13516821 POA 4 0
24 Nut 16100811 POA 4 0
25 Sealing ring 105196 3.66 1 11
26 Union 106241 30.85 1 2
27 Gasket 111481 POA 1 0
28 Water outlet union 105165 186.98 1 0
29 Gasket 105189 4.64 1 14
30 Sleeve 121258 25.19 1 0
31 Clamp 12177090 1.43 4 4
32 Sleeve 121259 POA 1 0
33 Washer 11198071 POA 4 0
34 Sealing ring 103039 0.97 4 32
35 Thermistor 104628 75.88 1 2
36 Gasket 111480 POA 8 0
37 Thermostat 109671 POA 1 0
38 Gasket 105192 14.64 1 15
39 Control belt for water pump2 individual belts 121655 98.34 1 4
39 Control belt for pump and altenatorSingle belt 107971 69.89 1 0
40 Pulley2 individual belts 121654 305.21 1 0
40 PulleySingle belt 105166 298.33 1 1
41 Screw 16042940 11.01 1 0
42 Washer 12601371 POA 4 0
43 Fixing screw for pump 16044421 2.30 4 1
44 Gasket 10260060 0.94 1 504
45 Clamp 12177090 1.43 2 4
46 Sleeve 105190 20.26 1 -1
47 Clamp 12179490 POA 2 0
48 Tube 115136 139.77 1 0
49 Breather pipe 122218 31.90 1 2
50 Clamp for pipe 107002 POA 1 0
51 Joint piping to manifolds of output water 116968 POA 1 0
52 GasketFor cover no.121262 121263 14.41 1 1
53 Support2 individual belts 121658 207.89 1 1
54 Pulley2 individual belts 121659 314.81 1 0
55 Pin2 individual belts 105048 20.15 1 0
56 Spacer2 individual belts 107841 27.54 1 0
57 Spacer2 individual belts 107842 15.30 1 0
58 Seeger2 individual belts 11059076 1.15 1 0
59 Nut2 individual belts 16105121 1.13 1 3716
60 Washer2 individual belts 103025 0.48 1 0
61 Bearing2 individual belts 105038 12.05 2 13
62 Backplate for ringFor pump no. 121290 121553 15.95 1 0