Ferrari / Testarossa (1987) / 004 - Cylinder Head - Left

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Diagram # Name Part # Price Fitted
Quantity Select
1 Left cylinder head With cyl. Head no. 123065 123055 POA 1 0
2 Stud 12354521 POA 10 0
3 Nut 16100811 POA 10 0
4 Washer 11194071 POA 10 0
5 Stud 13953121 POA 1 0
6 Washer 12601471 POA 1 0
7 Nut 12575611 POA 1 0
8 Stud 13970321 POA 1 0
9 Washer 12604471 POA 1 0
10 Nut 16104411 POA 1 0
11 Stud Inner caps 102735 POA 24 0
12 Stud Outer caps 102754 POA 4 0
13 Nut 15896211 POA 28 0
14 Washer 11197773 POA 28 0
15 Stud Belt stretcher 13543421 POA 2 0
16 Nut 101139 POA 2 0
17 Washer 12601371 POA 2 0
18 Stud 13543521 POA 12 0
19 Nut PN. 124525 in alternative 105938 POA 12 0
20 WasherFor nut PN. 105938 106852 0.36 12 0
21 Dowel 102725 POA 30 0
22 Stud for covers 13541321 POA 16 0
23 Stud on dowel 13541421 POA 2 0
24 Cap nut 100044 POA 18 0
25 Washer 12601271 POA 18 0
26 Vacuum pump securing stud 11500521 POA 2 0
27 Nut 102741 POA 2 0
28 Washer 11197771 POA 2 0
29 Dowel for distributor cap support 102725 POA 2 0
30 Stud 13541121 POA 2 0
31 Nut 15896211 POA 2 0
32 Washer 11197773 POA 2 0
33 Stud 13541021 POA 3 0
34 Nut 102741 POA 3 0
35 Washer 12601271 POA 3 0
36 Stud 13541121 POA 4 0
37 Nut 102741 POA 4 0
38 Washer 12601271 POA 4 0
39 Dowel 102725 POA 4 0
40 Water drain plug 10300740 POA 1 0
41 Gasket 10257060 POA 1 0
42 Left cyl. head cover With cyl. head until engine A1 (no. 391) and U6 (no.154) 121447 POA 1 0
42 Left cyl.head cover With cyl. head, starting engine A1 (no. 392) and U6 (no. 155) 128796 POA 1 0
43 Gasket For cover PN. 128796 127228 POA 1 0
43 Gasket For cover PN. 121447 121127 POA 1 0
44 Front cover 121116 POA 2 0
45 Seal ring PN. 128260 in alternative 114639 POA 2 0
46 Seal ring 117036 POA 2 0
47 Seal ring For cover PN. 128796 127649 POA 6 0
48 Dowel For cover PN. 121447 10330210 POA 2 0
49 Vacuum pump securing stud 11500421 POA 2 0
50 Stud 11500121 POA 2 0
51 Nut 15896211 POA 2 0
52 Washer 12601271 POA 2 0
53 Bracket 124594 POA 1 0
54 Plug 10269750 POA 3 0
55 Heli-coil 13525470 POA 1 0
56 Left intake camshaft, completeFor A1, until engine no. 257 123103 POA 1 0
56 Left intake camshaft, completeFor A1, starting from engine no. 258, B1 - US • CH - SA 124033 POA 1 0
57 Left exhaust camshaft, complete 123107 POA 1 0
58 Front cap With complete cylinder head 114499 POA 2 0
59 Rear capWith complete cylinder head 114497 POA 2 0
60 Intermediate capWith complete cylinder head, after exhaustion use no. 126811 117043 POA 10 0
61 Vacuum pump 122737 POA 1 0
62 Coupling 121054 POA 1 0
63 Gasket 122781 POA 1 0
64 Left cylinder head, complete 123065 POA 1 0
64 0-ring 105661 1.61 1 0
65 Pin (? 4) 13938070 POA 1 0
65 Pin (? 5) 13940270 POA 1 0
65 Pin (? 5) 13940270 POA 1 0
66 Union 102705 POA 1 0
67 3-way union 125031 POA 1 0
68 Clamp 12179590 POA 1 0
69 Washer 112761 POA 1 0
70 Gasket For A1 - B1 127143 POA 12 0
71 Cover For A1 - B1 127834 POA 12 0
72 Plug 8 x 1,25 14326150 POA 3 0
73 Plug 127635 POA 2 0
74 Stud 13541021 POA 6 0
75 Washer 106850 0.35 6 0
76 Nut 115201 POA 6 0